Two Brothers Organic Farms Secures $7 Million in Series A Funding from Rainmatter by Zerodha

Two Brothers Organic Farms® has successfully raised $7 million in Series A funding. This major investment comes from Rainmatter by Zerodha, founded by Nithin Kamath (Co-Founder and CEO of Zerodha), and Raju Chekuri, Founder of NetEnrich, Inc.

A Journey of Passion and Hard Work

In October 2023, co-founders Satyajit Hange and Ajinkya Hange decided to raise Series A funding without using investment bankers.

They wanted to stay true to their vision and connect only with people who believed in their cause.

They started by researching and talking to people to understand how to raise funds. By mid-December, Rainmatter showed interest and wanted to visit their farm.

A Day at Two Brothers Organic Farms

The Rainmatter team spent a whole day at Two Brothers Organic Farms. They looked at the farming practices, met the farmers, saw the manufacturing processes, visited the kitchen, and talked to the team.

On December 17th, a breakfast meeting with Nithin Kamath took place. This two-hour talk covered important topics like the environment, food security, and health.

Nithin Kamath appreciated the work done by the TBOF team and offered to be the lead investor, understanding the need for strong and patient support to build something great.

Support from a Long-Time Friend

Raju Chekuri, a long-time friend and supporter of TBOF, also helped in the Series A funding round.

Raju had hosted the Two Brothers during their “Chale America” campaign and had invested in their earlier funding round as well.

His help was crucial in completing the remaining funding needs.

Future Plans and Impact

With the $7 million funding, Two Brothers Organic Farms plans to:

  • Grow their network of farmers from 5,000 to 50,000 in the next four years.
  • Promote healthier soil through good farming practices.
  • Increase their customer base in the USA from 5,000 to 50,000.
  • Help farmers switch to organic farming methods.
  • Fight climate change as a key part of their mission.
  • Work on sustainable farming to absorb more CO2.

The biggest success for Two Brothers Organic Farms has been creating a sense of love and trust among their customers. This funding marks a big step in their journey to promote sustainable and organic farming practices on a larger scale.

About Two Brothers Organic Farms

Two Brothers Organic Farms, located in Bhodani, Maharashtra, is a leader in sustainable and organic farming in India.

Founded by Satyajit Hange and Ajinkya Hange, the farm produces a wide range of organic products, including grains, pulses, dairy, and health supplements.

The farm is dedicated to promoting environmentally friendly farming methods and improving the lives of farmers and consumers.

About Rainmatter

Rainmatter, the investment and support arm of Zerodha, backs innovative startups focused on sustainability and social impact.

Founded by Nithin Kamath, Rainmatter aims to support initiatives that can create meaningful changes in various fields, including agriculture, technology, and finance.

Muskan, a passionate storyteller and social media manager at Startup Forte. With a talent for sharing impactful founder stories, she invites you to explore inspiring journeys with us.

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