Meet Suditi Sharma: Co-founder of a 100 crore bootstrap health startup

Suditi Sharma is an Indian entrepreneur and founder of Himalayan Organics, a leading nutraceutical brand that offers plant-based and organic health supplements.

Here is a brief biography of Suditi Sharma:

Early Life and Education

Suditi Sharma hails from a small town in Madhya Pradesh, India.

She completed her graduation in Consumer Psychology from Bhopal. Her co-founder, Vaibhav Raghuwanshi, is her former classmate.

Suditi Sharma and Vaibhav Raghuwanshi, co-founders of Himalayan Organics
Suditi Sharma and Vaibhav Raghuwanshi, co-founders of Himalayan Organics


Suditi Sharma started Himalayan Organics in 2018 with Vaibhav Raghuwanshi.

The brand focuses on developing supplements from Himalayan herbs, which are free from chemicals and preservatives.

They introduced unique concepts like gummies, powders, and other forms of nutrition products that are easy to consume and affordable.


Himalayan Organics has achieved significant success, with its yearly revenue crossing Rs 100 crore.

The brand has served over 1.15 million customers globally and offers a range of 120+ SKUs.

Suditi Sharma has emphasized the importance of affordable and accessible nutrition, particularly in addressing nutritional deficiencies among the common masses.

Entrepreneurial Journey

Suditi Sharma has bootstrapped her business, achieving profitability without external funding.

She has been invited to placements by top IIMs despite not having an IIT/IIM degree.

Her entrepreneurial journey is an inspiration to many, highlighting the potential for success without a traditional educational background.

She shares one incident.

“Here’s the corrected version of the entire passage:

“If you aren’t an IIT/IIM student, you can’t be a successful founder.

I am not someone who went to IIT/IIM for my higher studies, but this year our company was invited by two top IIMs for placements.

I haven’t worked in top companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc., but I have bootstrapped my business to more than 100 crores of revenue profitably.

I am not someone who topped my class in school, but this year I was awarded “Best Founder of the Year” by Hindustan Times.

Top grades, big degrees, and bigger companies don’t matter to be successful. What matters is your willpower, determination, vision, and a lot of faith in God.

These myths are made by society to keep us trapped in our insecurities. If I can do it, you too can!”

Personal Life

Suditi Sharma is passionate about solving India’s health problems through healthcare supplements.

Her mission is to eradicate nutritional deficiencies and increase the average lifespan of Indians from 69 to 84 years.

LinkedIn Profile

Suditi Sharma is active on LinkedIn, where she shares updates about her entrepreneurial journey and the growth of Himalayan Organics.

Suditi Sharma
Suditi Sharma

Suditi Sharma’s net worth

Suditi Sharma’s net worth is not publicly disclosed. ‘

However, her company, Himalayan Organics, has achieved significant success, with a yearly revenue of over Rs 110 crore.

The brand has also served over 1.15 million customers globally and offers a range of 120+ SKUs.

What inspired Suditi Sharma to co-found Himalayan Organics

Suditi Sharma, along with Vaibhav Raghuvanshi, co-founded Himalayan Organics in 2018.

The inspiration behind this venture came from their personal experiences and observations. Here are the key points that led to the founding of Himalayan Organics:

Vaibhav’s Father’s Health Issues: Vaibhav’s father suffered from Vitamin K2 deficiency, which led to severe complications. This experience sparked their search for vegetarian supplements, as most available options were animal-based or contained gelatin.

Nutritional Deficiencies: During their research, they discovered that nutritional deficiencies were a significant problem, affecting both the elderly and younger generations. They found that even full-body checkups often revealed deficiencies, particularly in Vitamin D3 and B12.

The Himalayan Connection: Suditi and Vaibhav were drawn to the Himalayas, where they found rare and beneficial plants that had adapted to harsh climatic conditions. They decided to base their supplements on these Himalayan herbs, which they believed held the key to optimal nutrition.

Mission to Eradicate Nutritional Deficiencies: The duo aimed to eradicate nutritional deficiencies among the common masses by creating affordable, plant-based, and organic nutrition options. They launched Himalayan Organics in 2018, which quickly gained popularity and served over 1.15 million customers.

Sustainability and Environmental Awareness: Suditi’s passion for nature and the environment is evident in her posts on LinkedIn, where she emphasizes the importance of protecting the planet and using sustainable practices.

These factors combined to inspire Suditi Sharma and Vaibhav Raghuvanshi to co-found Himalayan Organics, a brand that has disrupted the nutraceuticals market with its innovative, plant-based, and organic health supplements.

Muskan, a passionate storyteller and social media manager at Startup Forte. With a talent for sharing impactful founder stories, she invites you to explore inspiring journeys with us.

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